Small Groups start the week of January 5 | Build relationships, care for each other, and inspire a deeper relationship with Jesus by joining a small group. You’ll...
Events and Calendar
Caregivers need care and encouragement. This is space for you with others who understand your daily challenges. As caregivers we will listen to one another, encourage each...
Caregiver Support Group
New start date! GriefShare 13-week session | Wednesdays, now January 15 to April 16, 2025 from 6 to 8 PM in Room 205. GriefShare is a nondenominational, biblical support...
GriefShare 13-week group
New start date! Thursdays now starting January 23 | Women’s Bible study from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Join us for an 11-week study of Romans-Part 2 where...
Women's Thursday Study: Romans-Part Two
Trailhead-Belonging & Believing at Hillcrest is Sundays, January 19 & 26 from 9 to 10 AM | Pursuing new life together in Jesus means walking through life with a...
Trailhead-Belonging & Believing at Hillcrest
New Date! Brunch Potluck is now on Sunday, January 26 after EACH service in Fellowship Hall! Now you have two times to connect, share a meal, and enjoy community. Hillcrest...
Brunch Potluck after each service
Take control of your money with Financial Peace University! This nine-week class uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make...
Financial Peace University
Your Attachments & Your walk with Jesus: A Workshop is Thursday, January 30 | Learn how attachment theory (how we connect to others based on early life influences) impacts...
Your Attachments and Your Walk with Jesus: A Workshop
Serve Team Refuel Night is Sunday, February 2 at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall | Join us for a special evening to refresh and recharge as you serve. We'll celebrate our...