New start date! GriefShare 13-week session | Wednesdays, now January 15 to April 16, 2025 from 6 to 8 PM in Room 205. GriefShare is a nondenominational, biblical support...

New start date! GriefShare 13-week session | Wednesdays, now January 15 to April 16, 2025 from 6 to 8 PM in Room 205. GriefShare is a nondenominational, biblical support...
Welcoming the Stranger | Immigration is a complex issue, but the Bible has a lot to say about it. As Christians, we too often allow political ideologies, news media...
New start date! Thursdays now starting January 23 | Women’s Bible study from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. Join us for an 11-week study of Romans-Part 2 where...
Join us for Woman to Woman on Sunday, February 23. Women of all ages talk, share, create, experience and are encouraged. Single women, married women, moms, and grandmoms...
Caregivers need care and encouragement. This is space for you with others who understand your daily challenges. As caregivers we will listen to one another, encourage each...
Brunch Potluck is Sunday, March 2 after EACH service in Fellowship Hall! Now you have two times (10 to 10:45 AM OR 12 to 1 PM) to connect, share a meal, and enjoy...
Ash Wednesday Experiential Service on Wednesday, March 5 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the sanctuary."I am reduced to dust and ashes. I cry out to You, God, but you do not answer; I...
Serve at Adelante Thrift on second Saturdays from January 11 through May 10 | Serve with other Hillcresters on the second Saturday of each month from 10 AM to noon. The...
New Date! Hymn Sing now on Wednesday, March 12 | Join us as we sing (or just listen to) some of our favorite hymns of the faith in the sanctuary from 6:30 to 8 PM...
© 2025 Hillcrest Covenant Church | 8801 Nall Ave, Prairie Village, KS US 66207