Current Series

John, A Love Story
John's gospel tells the story of God's love revealed on earth in the person of Jesus Christ. John wrote the story of Jesus' life so that we might believe that new life is available through the one and only Son of God. His life and heart were transformed as he followed Jesus. That's true for you too!

Justification by Faith

Mother's Day Panel
A panel of women and men discusses how God uses moms to shape our sense of who we are.

By the Book
Explore with us how the Bible is unlike any other book we encounter. We can pick it up and read it and totally miss the point. We’ll spend five weeks learning about the Bible in all its beauty and power to change our lives if we let it. If the sermon you would like to watch is not yet posted, see here for the full service and fast forward to the sermon part of the recording.
See here for bookmark content.
- 4 steps to inform your study and help you read the Bible for all that it is worth
- 5 main ideas for reading the Bible

Celebrating Easter
The great news of Easter is you are one step away from a new life. That is why Jesus ccame, to bring you a new life!

Moving Out | Inspiration from the book of Acts
When the first church began, it was shaped by the teaching of several leaders. God spoke through them to inform His people of what it meant to be part of this new movement on earth. It was a movement for all people. Everyone was welcome to join in. What can we learn from these first sermons in that very first church?

We are created for relationships, love, and affection. At the same time we struggle to welcome those who express their sexuality differently. God has spoken through Scripture about the importance of love and our expressions of love. In our culture today sexuality and gender continue to be redefined. What does it mean to welcome everyone in this area of sex and gender?

Joyful Noise
One of the best parts of the Christmas season is the music. The songs of David speak of the One who would arrive on earth to set things right. At Christmas we celebrate the Promised One who brings us life, hope, and new life.

Holy Objects-Marking the Reality of God
The Tabernacle was a sanctuary tent the Israelites carried through the wilderness travels during the lifetime of Moses. It represented the presence of God among them. God gave very specific instructions about the furniture that would fill this moving worship center. How does the Tabernacle furniture point us toward Jesus and the appointments He has for our souls?

Prayer Life
Prayer is a continual back-and-forth conversation with God. But sometimes, as followers of Jesus, we ask ourselves, "Does prayer work?" "Is God listening?" "Am I praying the right way?" "What should I pray about?" This four-week series will explore how Jesus teaches us to pray, how prayer can influence our communities, and examine other powerful prayer moments in Scripture.