Next at Hillcrest
New sermon section of John on Sundays through April 13 | Lent is a season of preparation and waiting as the people of God anticipate the finished work of the cross. As Jesus finished the meal with His friends, they discussed the grief that was to arrive over the next few days. This grief allowed them to experience even greater joy, but hardship was first. After dinner this hardship because reality as Jesus was arrested, tried, hung on a cross, and died. Lent ended like nighttime does, with the promise of the the light of dawn. Join us for worship and the next message in this series at 9 or 10:45 AM in person or online here...
Trailhead-Belonging & Believing at Hillcrest on Sundays, March 23 & 30 from 9 to 10 AM | Pursuing new life together in Jesus means walking through life with a new point of view and a new focus. We want you on the journey with us! Sign up here...
Join us on Sunday, March 23. Women of all ages talk, share, create, experience and are encouraged. We use simple prompts to facilitate real conversation. Join us in the Staff Lounge from 10:45 AM to 12 PM. No sign up needed.
Help send mission teams to Alaska and Nicaragua! Select numbered envelopes in the lobby during March and donate that amount to support our teams. Or, give here and select missions as the giving type and put summer teams in the memo.
2025 Alaska Missions Trip is June 14-24 | Join us for an unforgettable mission trip to Alaska as we partner with CYAK (Covenant Youth of Alaska) to serve and grow together. Participants will join one of two teams: serving as camp counselors at Covenant Bible Camp in the remote village of Unalakleet or assisting with various work projects on the work crew at the Chickaloon Retreat Center, located an hour outside of Anchorage. This short-term trip is a unique opportunity to share God’s love, support the ministry of CYAK, and experience the beauty and adventure of Alaska along the way. Deadline to sign up is EXTENDED to Tuesday, April 1. See more details, cost, and sign up here...
Nicaragua Intergenerational Mission Trip I In partnership with Merge Ministries, we will take a multi-generational team to support and partner with Bethel Mission in Rivas, Nicaragua, July 18-25, 2025. Our time will be spent connecting relationally with the people of Rivas by helping in the completion of an ongoing building project and participating in the ministry at Bethel Mission (kids, local dump, nursing home, etc.) The ministry’s goal is to meet their neighbors’ physical and spiritual needs, especially the children, so they have hope for their future.Deadline to sign up is EXTENDED to Tuesday, April 1. To register, please click here.
Caregivers Support group on Tuesday, March 25 at 1:30 PM in the Hillcrest prayer room. Caregivers need care and encouragement, too! This once-a-month group gathers to listen and pray with each other. Please use the office entrance.
Married People Night is Friday, March 28. Join us for a special evening with desserts, games, and encouragement for your marriage. Live music from Bo and Mika Tunberg. Meet us in the lower level of the Student Center from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Childcare will be available on site when you RSVP by March 27. Sign up here...
Help us get ready for Easter and the Midwest Conference! Sign up for jobs of all sizes for all ages inside and outside of the building. Bring your friends, family, or small group! Snacks, coffee, and light lunch will be provided at 11:30 AM. Sign up here...
Why do I do what I do? Paul & Our Struggle: Romans 7 & our Mental Health on Thursday, April 10 6:30 to 8:30 PM ”I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. ...I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:15,18-19)
We call all recognize and relate to the struggle Paul describes. In this workshop we will explore how Paul explains this dilemma and how it relates to our mental health. We will also learn Jesus doesn't leave us alone to figure this out in our daily lives. Doug Burford, an ordained pastor and licensed clinical professional counselor, will help us address this universal human dilemma intersecting our faith & our mental well being. Sign up here...
Serve at Adelante Thrift on Saturday, April 12 | Serve with other Hillcresters on the second Saturday of each month from 10 AM to noon. The store in KCK funds the non-profit Mission Adelante. You’ll sort clothes and household items or do some light cleaning as needed. Build relationships while impacting a whole community.Meet us at Adelante Thrift, 3720 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. Email Ashley with questions. Sign up for dates here...
Save the date for our annual Easter Egg Scramble on Saturday, April 12 from 10 to 11:30 AM. It's a great morning of games, inflatables, and the Egg Scramble outside on the grassy hill. Each age group scrambles to pick up as many eggs as possible! Invite your friends and neighbors to this community outreach event which includes music, donuts, coffee, and door prize drawings.
10:15 AM scramble: Toddlers to 3 years
10:30 AM scramble: Preschool to Kindergarten
10:45 AM scramble: 1st to 3rd Grade
11 AM scramble: 4th Grade and up
How you can help: Sign up here to join our serve team and serve our community. Or, pick up a box of empty eggs in the lobby on Sunday and follow the directions to fill and return the eggs to Hillcrest by Sunday, April 6.
Palm Sunday is April 13 | We'll finish up the harsh season of Listening in the Shadows by reading John 19:28-42 together and witnessing Jesus’ final words. It is incredible to think that Jesus was welcomed as the Triumphant King just a week before his triumph on the cross. Join us at 9 or 10:45 AM or online.
Good Friday is April 18 | Join us at 6:30 PM to remember the passion of Jesus as he laid his life down for you and me. Death could not slow him, and the tomb could not hold him—he gave himself freely that we might live. We will remember and praise him. Nursery and preschool available for birth to 3 years old.
Easter Sunday is April 20 | Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and he changes us. We'll gather to remember the empty tomb and the emotional reunion of Jesus and his followers. Regular kids programming for birth to 5th grade during the 9 AM service only. Join us at 9 AM or 10:45 AM or online. Invite someone to join the celebration!
Baptisms on Easter Sunday, April 20 | Baptism is the act of a BELIEVING Christian who wants to publicly confess his or her personal commitment to Jesus Christ. The act of baptism can be defined as an outward expression of an inward decision. Indicate your interest in being baptized here...

Say hello to our new medium roast coffee from Nicaragua! It has amazing flavor AND the proceeds from our purchase of coffee beans support women rescued from sex trafficking in a country where Hillcrest actively serves. It’s a brew that's as meaningful as it is delicious!
Card Care Ministry reaches out to connect and let others know they are seen, supported, and loved. If you know someone who could use support, encouragement, or a kind word, the Hillcrest Card Care Ministry will send them a card. See here to let us know the recipient's information.
God has uniquely equipped you to serve his people with your time and talents. We would love to help you find your best way to serve at Hillcrest. Serving with others is a great way to meet people, deepen connections and find purpose. Indicate your area of interest here...