Next at Hillcrest

Summer is a great time to connect with God and others. See below for what’s next at Hillcrest. 

New sermon series starts Sunday, July 28! Join us in person or online at 9 or 10:30 AM for worship and an inspiring message from the book of John. John begins his story of Jesus' life with imagery from the story of creation in Genesis 1. He highlights the themes of life, light, truth, grace, and new birth as he introduces us to the one and only Son of God. The One he is writing about will change your heart, your life, and this world. All you must do is come, see, receive, and believe.

Woman to Woman Gathering is Sunday, July 28 | Women of all ages and stages are invited to this once-a-month gathering from 10:30 to 11:30 AM in Room 203. We'll talk, share, create, experience and be encouraged. No sign-up needed.

Local Partners Backpack Drive July 7-28 I We are collecting elementary–high school backpacks and school supplies for under resourced communities with our mission partners, Mission Adelante and Freedom Fire. Please visit this online signup. Purchase the supplies and drop them off at Hillcrest by Sunday, July 28.

Couples Date Night on Thursday, August 6 begins at 5:30 PM at a local restaurant for appetizers and meeting other couples. Hillcrest pays for appetizers; you purchase your own drinks. Then, each couple will complete their date night with dinner on their own or accompanied by a few other couples. Sign up here...

Hymn Sing is Wednesday, August 7 | Join us from 6:30 to 8 PM in the sanctuary as we raise our voices together and sing (or just listen to) some of our favorite hymns of the faith using real hymnals. Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend!  

Back to School Blessing is Sunday, August 11 | Join us at both services as we pause to pray, encourage, and bless students, teachers, and school staff as they begin a new school year. Students are invited to bring their backpacks to church that Sunday.

Man Night at Craft Putt is Tuesday, August 13 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. We'll gather for a fun night of indoor mini golf putt putt (FREE), hang out with other men (bring a friend) and eat great food (bring $$ for food). Sign up here.

Join other Hillcresters to serve at Adelante Thrift on the third Saturday each month. Next date: 8/17 (10 AM to Noon). Come for all or part of the time to sort donations and hang up clothing for the store. Contact Ashley with questions. Sign up here...

Save the Date! Serve Team Kick Off is Sunday, August 18 | Current team members and those interested in serving are invited to kick off the next serve season at Hillcrest from 6:30 to 8 PM in Fellowship Hall. We'll gather as a large group and break into serve groups. Sign up here...

Join us for the our summer concert on Friday, August 23 | Bring your family to Franklin Park from 6:30 to 8:30 PM with your own chair, picnic basket, and beverages (non-alcoholic). Invite a friend and plan to join us. Moon City Big Band will play that night. See you there!

Caregivers need care and encouragement. This is space for you with others who understand your daily challenges. As caregivers we will listen to one another, encourage each other, share tips, and support and pray together. Caring for the Caregiver meets once a month on Saturdays from 11:30 AM to 1 PM in Room 204. Next Caregiver Support Group: Saturday, August 24. Sign up here to join us.

Card Care Ministry reaches out to connect and let others know they are seen, supported, and loved. If you know someone who could use support, encouragement, or a kind word, the Hillcrest Card Care Ministry will send them a card. See here to let us know the recipient's information.

God has uniquely equipped you to serve his people with your time and talents. We would love to help you find your best way to serve at Hillcrest. Serving with others is a great way to meet people, deepen connections and find purpose. Indicate your area of interest here...

© 2024 Hillcrest Covenant Church   |   8801 Nall Ave, Prairie Village, KS US 66207