
Current Series

What Do I Do When...

Spend Your Life

When we bring our time, talent, and treasure together with others pursuing new life in Jesus, transformation can happen in our neighborhood, our church, and our world.

The Kingdom

Each of us is invited to become part of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom that Jesus spoke about often. This Kingdom is active right now, yet not in its fullness. Every day we can decide to be part of the Kingdom finding real expression and movement in our lives and the lives of those around us. God's Kingdom is God's people in God's place under God's rule.

Keeping Wholeness in Mind

Finding mental stability is a daily struggle for most of us. Our moods and emotions are untrustworthy guides to the inner peace we seek. Maintaining mental health includes anchoring our identity to Jesus, actively entrusting God with our lives, connecting to healthy/loving people, growing our capacity for hope, and seeking the healing work of the Spirit.


Living the life God invites us into requires wisdom. Each day we make choices that are either wise or foolish. How you choose matters. This summer we'll focus on wisdom and what God has to say about it.

Relationship Goals

What does Jesus' love look like when we live it out? We'll explore how to follow Jesus into stronger friendships, stronger families, and stronger marriages.

Every Life is Sacred

Life is a gift from God. He is the author of life and created each person in His image. Sanctity of Life Sunday is a time to remember that all life is valuable because of Jesus. 

Small Things

It's being faithful with the little things, like seeds, yeast and salt that can make a big difference. As we begin a new year, we'll explore how when we're faithful in the little things we will be entrusted with greater things.

Simple Christmas

We're all searching for ways to unclutter, uncomplicate, unplug, and find simplicity. This Christmas, we're turning to God's eternal messages of hope, peace, joy and love as we reconnect with rest, less, space and grace during this season of anticipation and celebration.


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