![Wednesday Nights](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTQ6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGNWU5ZGQzYWRkZjFhMGIwYTE2YzMtMTYzOGU4MzBmYTEwNDA4MjUwOTk4YzA3MWM2MDQ2Y2Muc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbyUyRjBlMTA4NzYzOTlfMTU5OTA4MTgyNl9vci0xLnBuZyUzRnElM0Q5MCUyNnclM0QxMjAwJTI2aCUzRDAlMjZmaXQlM0RtYXglMjZzJTNEMWRjNDIzMjgyYmZmYjA0MDI3YzE0MWM0YzU0ZDhiNDEiOw==/or-1.png)
Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 6:30 PM - Wednesday, October 07, 2020, 8:00 PM
On Wednesday nights we’re gathering around two different topics to learn, be challenged and grow. Session #1 meets for four weeks from September 16 through October 7 from 6:30 to 8 PM. These hybrid groups will meet in Hillcrest classrooms AND through Zoom for those who are not ready to return to the building. Room locations and Zoom links will be sent as soon as they become available. No childcare is available for this session.
1. ONENESS EMBRACED FACILITATED BY MEL BOCKELMAN AND MIKE HOWARD | This video study from Dr. Tony Evans seeks to promote a biblical understanding of the kingdom foundation of oneness by detailing why we don't have it, what we need to do to get it, and what it will look like when we live it. Fully encompassing areas of unity, history, culture, the church and social justice, Evans looks to the scriptures for the balance between righteousness and justice that is crucial for applying in this generation and in training the next. Our discussion will help us explore how to live it out in a broken and divided world. In person in room 204 or Zoom link: https://hillcrestcov.zoom.us/j/94701396005?pwd=MDNua3ZSamI2L1FIeFhyYjN3dnI0UT09
2. VOCARE: REDISCOVERING A THEOLOGY OF WORK WITH DAVID CHAN | What if work is more than just a "necessary evil?" Do we see work as part of our spiritual DNA? What if we viewed our daily work - whether it's compensated or not - as a divine calling and an appointment to represent God in every sphere of life? In this group, we will aim to rediscover a holistic theology of work and vocation to inspire us in whatever we do. In person in the library OR Zoom link: https://hillcrestcov.zoom.us/j/98089124298?pwd=VmN5ZlZFOUQvdWFvVDBjQUdGVSt6dz09
Questions? Email Julie Cook at or Nate Severson at